At the heart of the Defence-Security continuum, due to the duality of the stakes and the know-how of its industrialists, GICAT has progressively extended its scope of activities to Security.
Security, a growing market
The global security market is estimated to be worth nearly 107 billion euros. It includes, among others, infrastructure security valued at 25 billion euros and border security estimated at 13 billion euros. Each year, the security market grows by 7% to meet the security needs of governments. In France, the security market is valued at 6 billion euros and generates approximately 35,000 jobs.
The security industry, and more particularly its industrial component, has been developing rapidly since 2000. In France, security suppliers represent a turnover (France and export) of around 21 billion euros (“physical” products, “electronic and systems” products, cyber security products and services). The industrial share (excluding installation and distribution) is 16.5 billion euros and the overall average growth is 5% per year.
The security industry has more than 1,100 companies in France. This industry includes large groups that are leaders on an international scale, as well as a network of small and medium-sized companies whose dynamism and innovation are recognized.
The commercial and industrial sector relies on a network of companies ranging from large international groups to innovative and highly export-oriented SMEs, which represent 125,000 jobs. The export of security manufacturers is about 50%.
GICAT at the heart of the industry’s structuring
The existence of a significant technological offer among its members (mobility, individual protection, communication, robotics, CBRN, etc.) naturally led GICAT, as a professional group, to develop its actions in the field of land and airland-land security, taking into consideration the specificities of this sector (doctrines of use, budgets, short acquisition cycle, etc.).
For almost 9 years now, GICAT has extended its activities to the security sector. In 2011, it modified its statutes to become the “Groupement des industries françaises de défense et de sécurité terrestres et aéroterrestres”. Today, approximately 60% of GICAT’s members, from large groups to small companies, are involved in the security sector, i.e. nearly 150 of its 270 members.
GICAT participates in the structuring of the security industry in conjunction with the Confidence and Security Industry Council (CICS) and the Strategic Committee for the Security Industry